There Is Nothing To Do... Or Is There?

What do you do on a Wednesday evening when you have nothing to do (except homework)?
it's easy.
You start off by sticking dinner in the microwave.
Then you bake some cookies.
(Make sure you spill baking soda all over the kitchen counters and floor)
While the cookies are in the oven,
you force every one to eat the food that you reheated for them 
you also bribe them with the cookies that just came out of the oven.
After that you do the dishes
(make sure the kitchen is spotless)
Then you dry off the bathroom walls 
(because your little brother splashed water every where)
After you have finished cleaning the living room
and reassured yourself that you don't really have to do your homework
you attempt to do a photo shoot with your lil sis

You have to have a lot of patience for this.
a lot. 
"Oh, Leana, you have pretty toes!"
So, after you've taken a few moments to take a few deep breaths 
you keep taking pictures

Nadia has really neat eyes
her left eye is partly brown and part blue 
You can't really see it here,
but the bottom part is sorta blueish 
After that
you go and chill in the living room
and then you notice that it's not as clean as it was thirty minutes ago
so you clean it again
just as you finish that, you realize that no one swept the floor.

and then
you blog about it all.

(in between all that you read stories and put kids to bed)


  1. Thanks for babysitting Aleana - sounds like you worked hard and did a good job!!
    Love, Mom


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