Sunshine in August

Ben can now pull himself up to standing. Everywhere. He uses anything; his crib, the couch, the undersides of chairs (there's a picture below), the right sides of chairs, your pant legs, hanging towels, anything really. He also tries to walk from the footstool to the couch, or the couch to the footstool, neither work too well for him. But he's learning! 

Peter caught something exciting the other night...

A baby bunny! 
Found out the other day that they are called kittens, or kits. While full grown rabbits are bucks and does. Interesting.

Anyway, they named him Scotty and fed him some celery and then released him.

We got to go sailing the other Saturday at Aloutte lake

Here's our little climber

Some experimenting in Nadia's hair
He's even got wee little walking shoes! 
And is a tad bit of a messy eater :P 
