Three Things on Being a Janitor

Will and I have been doing janitorial work at the church since May. It's been pretty great so far and neither of us have many complaints about the job - just it's getting increasingly difficult for me to do more and more of the tasks.

Today's post shares 3 thoughts on being a janitor.

1. Seeing a mess EVERYWHERE!
-Will and I can't help but notice ALL THE FINGER PRINTS on the glass doors and windows already on Sunday morning (typically that's about 20 hrs since we washed all the glass). It's painful. But it's what we're being paid to do. Or sometimes I'll be walking through the hall and see a spider web up in a corner that I missed... Then I just hope no one else will notice it...

2. You appreciate other janitors more
- I'll be at another church, or public venue, and see someone brush crumbs off onto the floor, or someone enter with muddy boots. And I empathize with whoever has been tasked with cleaning that mess. Because I now know the effort required to get glitter glue out of carpet, orange punch off of cream coloured walls, and (all time favourite over here) scraping boogers off of face-imprinted-windows.

3. Just because I am a janitor does not mean my house is immaculate
- I have no problem with spending three hours of my Saturday to clean up after oodles of other people. But setting aside 30 minutes of any other day to tidy up around the house - that's a different story. Not too many people come over to our house and so if I'm behind on housework it's not the end of the wold. BUT when you're in charge of keeping the church of almost 800 members clean, well, that's a different story.
