Can you hear her giggle through this picture?
Auntie Nadia
Still lovin' her extra chin!
Outside temperature got to 26° last week!
The guys all went to the Vancouver Car Show last week so Delilah and I went to hang out with the girls.
For a 6 year-old stylist she did a pretty good job!
Everyday is a new adventure with Dee
Yesterday I came home to three firetrucks in the yard.
Looked as though our landlord's burn pile got out of hand as the fire trucks all went back there.
Gave me and Delilah some entertainment for the morning.
We picked up a new car seat for Delilah that I found for a steal of a deal online. Someone was moving and was selling it after only using it a few months.
Delilah didn't seem to be a fan 😛
Solid food has been a success!
Now if only she'd agree to take a bottle...
who needs a bottle when you get big people food :).