I've been meaning to do a "Day In The Life" post with pictures, but it kept happening that I would remember at 10am or so when I'm already on and about with my day.
Yesterday, though, WAS THE DAY!
I did it!
Here follows updates from throughout my day every 30 minutes or so.
Everyday is very different than the one before it and the one to follow.
Very rarely do I ever know how things are going to go or what is happening next.
Keeps things exciting!
But this is Tuesday, April 16th, 2019.
Unique in it's own way.
No two days are alike.
Delilah usually wakes up around 8 but since we were out late the night before she slept in!
Plot twist!
Handicapped myself.
Talk about no two days being alike!
Will goes on lunch break at work at 1, and so I've started having my lunch at that time too so that I am sitting down, not running around, and can text or talk with him.
And that's it!
Like your "new" couches!! They look good.