The Day With Nothing Planned!

I have nothing (NOTHING) on my calendar today!!!!
I didn't even believe it myself!

I asked Will yesterday while we were out what we had to do today and he couldn't think of anything. I didn't have anything on my phone calendar, and I eagerly checked our calendar at home. 

Beautiful, unscheduled bliss!

It's Thursday today and in a way it feels as though this week is just flying by, but then on the other hand I've been ready for the weekend since Monday. 
So yep. 
It's been a pretty easy and slow day so far and before Delilah wakes up from her nap I wanted to share a few pictures from the past few days. 

See how tired we both look?
That's what happens when Delilah's got a cold and coughing keeps her awake at night...

Delilah had avocado for the first time this week. She quite enjoyed squashing it, and although she did manage to get several bites in her mouth, she also smeared it absolutely everywhere!

I licked her rice cracker and stuck it on her forehead ๐Ÿ˜
Very cute๐Ÿ˜

These two guys visited our bird feeder while I was washing dishes this morning!

Always exciting to see what comes around!
