I love how she sits with her leg up when she eats!
Right before this picture was taken I was on the phone with Will, and Delilah was (pathetically) crying for attention, wanting to get in on the conversation. It was such a cute, forced, and very sad cry that I told Will, "Hold on a sec, I'll take a picture."
But as soon as Dee saw herself on the camera she smiled and was perfectly content after that.
Such a potato!
Always check your toilet bowls for sharks before using, folks!
(also, I'm open to suggestions if you know how to get water stains out of the toilet bowl)
It's so wonderful that Delilah plays by herself now!
It gives me much more time to try and get things done around the house, but it is also so neat seeing how creative she us!
She loves reading books. Any book Even the entertainment coupon book!
The family that adopted Chloe sent us a picture of her with her litter of five black kittens!
It's hard to distinguish them all but I love how she has her paw protectively over them.
This morning Delilah was eating cheerios while I was getting our breakfast ready. I had put her bowl of dry oats on the table and went off to grab some more things. When I came back to the table she had grabbed the bowl and added her cheerios to it! And she was so proud of herself too!
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