I could recite this book to you right now.
It's my least favourite book we have.
I put it in the recycling bin.
But we let Delilah play with the recycling and so she pulled it out again.
I should have seen that one coming...
There was an excavator working in the back yard on Thursday which gave Delilah lots of entertainment throughout the day.
So interested in everything that was going on
Why eat quesadillas when you can just eat sour cream instead?
Delilah loves bringing books to us and plopping herself into our laps (or asking for help up if we're on the couch) to be read to.
She was SO TIRED but fiercely fighting a nap
Again, fighting a nap, and fighting to keep her eyes open
This week was supposed to be constantly busy and all go-go-go for me, but I had Monday at home because my daycare mom called in sick, and then another day at home today because Delilah was sick.
As much as I like to schedule everything out, it's been good to have some unplanned time at home.
Man, I love this kid so much!
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