WWW: Season 3 Episode 4

Our cake adventure story:
It was Will's boss' birthday this week and Will and volunteered me to bake a cake for them to celebrate at work. 
For some reason I decided that this would be the perfect time to try to decorate a cake in fondant, even though I have never tried before. 
The cake was due on Wednesday so I bought everything I'd need and on Monday night I baked the cakes and made the fondant. So far so good. 
The plan was to make a radiator cake and so Tuesday night I made some buttercream icing for the crumb coat and got to work on prepping the cake. When Will got home from his night course he worked with me, especially because my knowledge of radiators is very limited and Will works with them daily. 

While I iced, Will went outside for something. The crumb coat went on just fine and then I took the fondant out to dye it. Completely dry. 
I don't know where I went wrong. I had done all my research and followed all the instructions. Or so I thought. Regardless it wasn't going to work out. So in a split second I decided to make more buttercream and just ice the whole cake in that. 

I was halfway through making the buttercream when Will came back inside. I explained the situation. He took a look at the fondant, kneaded it a bit and it started to regain its elasticity. There was hope! He dyed it a beautiful copper colour while I cleaned up the buttercream I had been making. Little William woke up so I went to nurse him while Will rolled out the fondant. 

When I came back into the kitchen a few minutes later I found the fondant all in a mess on one counter, and Will dying buttercream on the other! It wasn't working anymore for Will and he too made the choice to switch to buttercream. 

So together we got the cake iced, a little after midnight at this point, took our showers and headed off to bed. 
Both of us hoping beyond all hopes that nothing would happen to the finally iced cake. 

In the morning I was too scared to check, but Will said it still looked the same and took it off to work. 
And they all enjoyed it and had a lovely birthday celebration. 
And now I know to just give fondant a rest for a few more years. Maybe I'll try again another day, but not for a while now. 😄

Will brought a bit of cake home on Wednesday evening so Delilah and I got to enjoy a slice too! 

The carseat box is still making for great entertainment! 

I have loads of marshmallows left over from the cake adventure, so I tried to make s'more cookies on Friday afternoon. 
I was a little leery sticking them in the oven because the batter had an odd taste to it. But I know that baking can change the taste, so I was hoping that might happen. 
I ate one, Delilah ate one, Will ate half, and we chucked the rest. 
Unfortunately not worth eating...

Will had a night course Monday-Thursday and Delilah was SO HAPPY on Friday to find out that Daddy didn't have school that night. All day long she kept telling me what sort of things they were going to play together that evening. 
Making eggs (with her play food), reading the snow book, and singing are just a few of what I remember. 

After a failed attempt the previous day I tried a new endeavor - Hot chocolate cookies. 
And they were a success! 

On Saturday evening I set Little William up against the coffee table to show Will how earlier in the day he was standing against and chair and *almost* took a step towards me. 
But then he took 2 steps towards Will! 
Little William was so hyper during it all and goofing off so much, but we had a fun time together with him. 

By the end of it Little William had taken 4 steps! 

What could be better than reading stories on a Sunday morning?

Once again the carseat box is making its debut as a renewed source of entertainment. 

Between church services Will and I played Sequence together. 
I took this picture while he was setting up Dee's slide, and it's a good thing I did! Because two turns after he came back to the game Will accidently swept several pieces off the board. But thankfully we were able to set it right back up! 


This kiddo sure loves to puzzle! 

We have seven children's puzzles and for the amount of times we do them in a day, seven is not enough! 😂

Delilah did repeat-after-me perfectly twice in a row. Then of course when I tried to film her she got very derailed. 
Third time was definitely NOT the charm! 😄

Having a sip of water before bed. 
I thought it was adorable that they were sitting side by side all matchy-matchy. 
