On Monday (Feb1) morning I asked Delilah if she wanted to wear underwear and she was all for it! And (asides from outings when she is diapered) we haven't looked back!
Delilah wears underwear at home and is really catching onto this new life skill. On the second day she refused to use the potty and now prefers to sit on the toilet.
Will and I are both amazed at how quickly she has grasped the concept and how well she is doing.
Yay for Delilah!
And Little William has been working more and more on his walking. His little toddling steps are just absolutely adorable.
On Satuday, Feb 6, he took 21 (!!!) steps!
So we feel like that's earned him the official title of 'walking.'
And yesterday he climbed onto a kitchen chair. 😲
I'm starting to worry how we'll keep up with this guy!
We tried taking a picture with the self timer but naturally it was out of focus 😄
Will and I are so proud of our kids and so in love with the joy they bring us.
Will's uncle asked me on Sunday, "Can you imagine life without them?"
Not at all!
We wouldn't trade our little family for the world. Even as tired as they make us. 😝
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