WWW: Eggs, the Sky, and Playgrounds

Masks make for great stuffed animal swings! 

We played in imaginary snow on Wednesday afternoon and even went skating around the house a few times. 

Will's been doing grocery pickup for the past few weeks and it's been amazing! I love not having to make an extra trip to town and he works approximately three blocks away from Superstore, so it just makes sense for him to swing by on his way home from work. The only downside is I didn't mention this week that I had ordered a flat of eggs... So by the time they made it upstairs in our house several of them were cracked. 😩 
I was able to salvage and use up a lot of them right then, and freeze a few of the others. But in total 18 were cracked and 12 made it out unscathed. 
Made for a good laugh thankfully! 

In case you wondered what sort of shenanigans go on in our house...

The kids and I did some cleaning at church on Thursday morning and we of course had to stop for a cookie break at 10am. 

Lovely cherry blossoms blossoming in our neighbouring neighbourhood.

We walked pass this, which Delilah excitedly pointed out as a 'candycane'!

I met up with a few friends in a park on Thursday evening and the sun looked so neat peaking out over the dissipating clouds. 

I took Delilah out of the bath on Friday morning and she went to lay on the living room floor. 
"Come on, let's get dressed."
"I just wanna stay wrapped up, Momma. This is my new clothes."

And we did everyone's favourite activity - toy rotation! 
Delilah spent the majority of the day reading her 'new' books

Always collecting sticks on our walks

And we went to a playground that evening after dinner. 

See how proud he is to be sitting on this bouncy elephant? 

....But then he got over confidant and slipped right through! 
Good thing Will was right there holding him.

Delilah built a little campfire out of gravel and gave Will a bungee chord to use to roast imaginary hotdogs and marshmallows. 
We so love her creativity! 

Little William took his snack outside to sit on the patio and watch his daddy and sister working together downstairs. 
Obversing from the kitchen I thought he looked so forlorn, but when I came out (first to take a picture 😛) I found him very content and excited to have such a good view to watch all the goings on. 

Little William loves his blankies so much. If he sees one in the washing machine (even if he has one out at the moment) he is distraught that it is separated from him. And if he finds one in my folded laundry pile, or in the dresser drawer, it is always like he has been reunited with the blankie after weeks apart. 
Here we're taking a blankie out of the dryer. 

After a productive and busy Saturday, these two snuggled up while I was making dinner and both passed right out! 

I have been so loving walking to church on Sundays with the kids! 

And we found another playground Sunday evening to explore with the kiddos before bedtime. 

We had some poffertjes left over from our pancake buffet Will made for Sunday's dinner and Delilah had requested them for a snack on Monday afternoon. 


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