Weekly Wednesday Wupdate: You Buncha Goofs!

THIS is why Will is the fun parent! 😆

We (read I, as it was only me holding us back) finally bit the bullet and sleep trained Little William. Being that we're living in a one bedroom apartment, this meant we camped out in the living room for a few nights so William wouldn't see me when he woke in the middle of the night and would be determined to nurse. 
This explains the air mattress out in the living room. 

Now he's sleeping through the nights and we are too! What a concept! 
The first night I asked Will how he slept and he said, "It kinda feels like we didn't sleep at because I didn't get to see the hours pass by!" 
And I knew just what he meant. Usually we'd see 1am, 3am, 5am, and then 6am before finally getting up at 7. But now we just sleep the whole night away. 
It's been lovely! 

This was a monumental occasion for us! 
Since Will finished the engine swap on our truck we have been getting better and better fuel mileage per tank. 
Previously we were filling up a little after the 200km mark so hitting 350km was very exciting! 
There's still some more work Will hopes to do that will improve it even more, but vehicle work is on pause for a bit while he prioritizes his time elsewhere. 

I took the kids with me to the mall on Thursday to look for shoes for myself for Veronica's wedding. 
In Aldo Delilah naturally gravitated towards this green pair of shoes

With a matching handbag even! 

Later in the day she asked, "Can go back to green shoe store?"

I found a sweater for Will in the clearance rack at Old Navy. Regular price was $34.99, marked down to $19.99, then $7.99, and I caught it at $3.99 BUT it was 30% off as well so I paid a whopping total of $2.79 for it! 

There were 4 more of the exact same sweater there for the same price and I was tempted to buy all of them. 😄

Dinner time shenanigans

Such entertainment! 


There was a broken speaker stand at church we had to throw out. 
Since we put all the church garbage on top of our hood to drive it across the parking lot and to the dumpster, we put the speaker stand on there too. 
And now I haven't watched Star Wars before, but it looked a little to me like those battle droids. 😆 I think it was being so leggy. 

Another Sunday morning walk to church. 

A smile from Jonah! 

Dee loved this ride she got from Matt around the house


Flowers growing by the firepit

I absolutely love having lots of kiddos around. 
And now having children of my own, it's so wonderful to see them having friends to play and grow with. 
Don't get me wrong, it is physically exhausting (especially since this day was 6 kids 3 and under!) but even Will commented that evening, "Those kids sure tire you out, but you totally feed off it. Your soul is so happy."  

An accurate summary, I'd say. 

William loves helping to unload the dishwasher. 

We've had some heat this week and so the kiddos were stuck indoors until about 4pm when our patio got some shade. But with the shade and some water to help cool down they were happy campers! 

Will brought our A/C unit out from storage so we're looking forward to Wednesday being a bit cooler inside! 
