WWW: Watch My Garden Grow

This is one week after I planted our bean and cantaloupe seeds. 
I got up on Wednesday morning and saw they all had some greenery poking through! 

So exciting to watch these guys grow! 

Look who came over on Wednesday! 

So much love from these two for their Uncle Jonah

It's been so amazing watching the bean plants unfurl 

The one in the back right was the first to sprout by one day but it shot right ahead of the rest. 

"Take a cheese, Mom!"

On Thursday afternoon while William took his nap, Delilah and I played with game chips and she caught on to the concept of patterns! 
We've been practicing for a while but it hasn't clicked until now. 

I sure hope I'm not the only one hugely excited over this 😄

It's so amazing to me! 

"Look Mom! I'm a lion!"

Delilah is always asking me to take pictures of her with William. How adorable is that? 💛💛💛

This little stinker snatched two cookies off the counter while they were cooling. He was so pleased with himself! 😆

On Saturday afternoon I was dead-heading the flowers on our patio and Little William excitedly brought me a whole stem he had freshly plucked and showed me. He had good intentions... 

Will's parents got a new kitten named Amber. Such a beautiful cat! 

William looking all mature sitting with Uncle Matt

Delilah was so delighted with herself when she showed me how she rolled this towel up all by herself. Not exactly a skill I would have thought of teaching her but she had so much fun heaving it over her shoulder and walking around with it. 
Oh the things that keep her entertained! 


On Monday afternoon Delilah and I planted the bean and cantaloupe seedlings outside! Stay tuned for some garden pictures. 😊


  1. AnonymousJune 11, 2021

    So fun to watch a garden grow!!


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