Delilah's Birthday Party

On Saturday we got to host Delilah's third birthday party!

She wanted to help ice the cake and my initial thoughts were something along the lines of, "No way! You don't know how to ice a cake, it'll look terrible. I've spent so much time coming up with an idea for how I want the cake to look." 
And then I thought, "Why not?" 
What's so bad about a three year old icing her own cake? 
It'll look like a three year old iced her cake and it'll be adorable. 

So Delilah decorated her own birthday cake. And she had a blast! She was so giddy to get started, very concentrated during the process, and afterwards asked to ice the cake for the next birthday party. 😄

Here is the finished piece! 
Beautifully modern and whimsical. Asides from some of the cake crumbs that are peeping through, you could hardly tell that it was decorated by a toddler. 

Delilah got these lacing boards which she opened right away and worked hard on throughout the day. 

We had guests over from 9:30-5:30 with a bit of a gap in the afternoon. 
When we said goodbye to a group of people at 1:30 and the house was empty Delilah lay down on the floor and sighed, "Oh boy, I think my body needs to rest!"

In the past two weeks I wandered several store aisles looking for green food. The first things that came to mind were lettuce, spinach, and brussels sprouts. Not exactly party food! 😆
We ended up going with cucumbers, granny smith apples, snap pea crisps, and green tea Kit-Kats for our green snack foods with mint Aero bars as party favours for the kids. 

Creating a peaceful moment amidst the chaos.  

Busy testing out her gifts

Yum Yum! 
