Paper Snowflakes

On Tuesday we had no daycare friends over since it's Christmas Break and so to fill our day the kids and I made paper snowflakes.

We started off by washing the windows...

Then I folded up sheets of paper and had the kids draw their own templates for me to cut out

Delilah didn't want me to see her unfolding her snowflake

Uh oh... It didn't quite turn out how she was imagining! 

So we folded it back up and added a few more cuts

Taping them up on the window

And next we tried our hand at some coffee filter snowflakes. 

First we coloured the coffee filters

Here's mine

Delilah was much more entertained by cutting up the cutoffs from the previous craft

William's masterpiece

And then we slowly added drops of water onto the filters

To create a water colour marbled look

These are our finished wetted filters (Delilah got a tad carried away with the watering)

And this is roughly 2hrs later when they were fully dry. 
Then we folded the filters and cut out same as we would the paper ones. 

I really love how the coffee filter ones turned out, the colour adds such a pretty touch to the window - especially on an overcast day. 

The kids are so proud of their creations and keep pointing out whose is whose.
Left to right - Delilah, Delilah, William, Aleana, William, Delilah.
