Weekly Wednesday Wupdate: Boats and a Bike

Will took a first aid course last week and made it a family affair by practicing all sorts of different scenarios and maneuvers on us at home. Delilah had a blast lying on the floor and getting rolled over. 😄
He ended the course with a score of 95% which was the second highest mark in the class, beaten by a nurse. 
Go Will! 

Looks like the perfect place to play in peace and quiet, hey?

Shiloh stayed here long enough for me to notice and then take a picture. She sure didn't seem too impressed by the situation but she is so patient with the kids and puts up with just about all of their antics. 

"Let me hold your hand buddy to keep you safe" 

The janitor supply store that we go to had this sign up at their desk 😆

On Friday afternoon we dropped the kids off with my parents so Will and I could go away for a night to celebrate our anniversary. Then on Saturday we headed to Steveston, which has been on our Go/Do/See list that we made waaaayyyy back when we were dating. 
Both of us had been here years ago, but too long ago to remember much of it. 

Fisherman's Warf

Naturally we spent a decent amount of time looking at the boats in the marina. And I got to learn about all the different types of fishing boats. Honestly I had never really thought about there being different types. A fishing boat is a fishing boat, right? Different sizes makes sense to me, but they're all the same idea, right?
Well apparently not. 😆

Blue sky played peekaboo with us through the clouds but it was windy and oh so cold to be there on the water. The forecast called for rain all day long so we were grateful that it was dry while we wandered around. 

This black and white edit looks like those of the cannery that were in the museum. 
If you disregard the light posts 😄

Will suggested that we visit the cannery so we popped in, and just in time too! We heard rain pouring down only a few minutes after getting inside and it began to slow and then stopped just as we were wrapping up our walk through. 

There was a fishing trivia game with the prompt, "Can you beat the top score?" 
I challenged Will to give it a go, and would you look at that!?! 
(we could only submit a 3 letter name, so ANW was for Aleana & Will)

We had a nice time exploring the cannery, something you appreciate more so as an adult than an elementary school aged kid we agreed. 
Studying the assembly lines and reading testimonies from the workers - I can't say I remember there being a single positive one about the work or the conditions there... 

Fish scales plastered to the walls and ceilings all over the building

The museum was quite honest about how messy and unsanitary working conditions were. Having worked in a commercial kitchen before, seeing photos of how the fish were handled and processed 50yrs ago was eye opening. The food industry has come a long way! 

Back at home Will's tent garage is all set up with lights and all. 
The kids made the most of the wide open space before Will moved vehicles and tools in. 


We did a toy rotation on Monday morning and the kids were so busy all day with their 'new' toys. 

The rain let up for long enough on Monday afternoon while William was napping that Delilah and I were able to get outside to play. 
