Weekly Wednesday Wupdate: Some of Shiloh and Setting up the Bassinette

Shiloh has been very intrigued by this fishing game. She'll often perch herself up on the rocking chair and closely obverse what's going on. I haven't noticed her try to get in on the action yet, so I'm not fully sure what's going on in her mind. 

Me from the bedroom, "What are you guys up to?"
Delilah, "Don't worry, Mom! We'll clean it up."
Oh dear... What now? 
They had coloured with crayons on the wall. So then we got to spend some time together washing the walls. 

On Thursday morning I spotted a coyote scouting out the chicken coop. William was so excited by it that he went to get Shiloh to show her too. 

This Baby sticks too far out and hangs too low for me to do lunges now. 


It was cold and windy on Friday afternoon but Delilah claimed to be so warm inside this cardboard box they were playing with that she took off her shoes and jacket. 😆

(I'm noticing now that she's curled up in the same way in these last two pictures)

"Shiloh likes it when I play music songs for her"

38 weeks pregnant! 
162lbs and my hips are starting to go. I'm now also having a hard time rolling over in bed. 😆
But this leg of the journey is almost over and I'm trying my best to cherish these last days. 

On Sunday Will flew his drone around the house. The kids think it's the greatest thing. Shiloh is skeptical. 

Sunday naps are my favourite type of naps because Will's home to take responsibility for anything that goes on outside of the bedroom. I don't have to worry about keeping half an ear out for the kids and can just sleep. 😄 It's a beautiful thing. 

After I came home from getting groceries on Monday morning these kids spent 15mins working together to get the plastic wrap off these tissue boxes. 

Delilah was up for 2hrs in the middle of the night with a coughing fit. Her and I hung out in the steamy bathroom for 20mins and drew pictures on the mirror. She thought it was funny how quickly they disappeared. 

I love how snuggly William is after his naps! 

The kids 'helped' me on Tuesday afternoon to assemble the baby's bassinette. 

I've wanted to wait until the last minute (or possibly even wait until Baby gets here) to set it up as I know it will become a play gym for the kids... 

But Delilah came to the very exciting realization that the baby will be living with us once it gets here and needs a place to sleep. She came up with a whole plan which she told us over dinner on Monday as to where the baby will sleep and how she would rearrange our bedroom to make room for Baby. 

So when she asked on Tuesday about setting up the baby's bed I agreed.
