After 5.5 months I finally took the nail polish off my toes from Veronica's wedding. Delilah was absolutely thrilled to get to paint my nails again. She even picked red polish for me because she knows that's my favourite colour.
Delilah heard the camera shutter noise on my phone as I took this picture and she said, "Hey, don't take pictures while I'm working so hard!"
We went to the thrift store on Wednesday afternoon to drop off bags full of plastic bags. They reuse them at the till for customers.
We also went inside to look for a few things and left with a pair of shoes, two shirts for William, and a set of bath toys. All for only $3.19!
Small thrift stores can really be hit or miss, but the prices make it worth it!
Our last day at this daycare family's house before I go on mat-leave.
Getting one last trampoline jump in
We had planned to walk to my parents on Friday morning but when I woke up it was -3 outside. Very beautiful, but rather chilly for my liking.
My weather app said it would be 0 at 10:00am so we waited until then to head out but even so it still said it was -2 when we left.
Haircut time for William!
The top of his head of hair was getting quite long and so floofy (refer back to the photo 4 pictures up of him looking out the window)
It's always amazing seeing how much hair falls to the floor, and yet somehow he still has hair on his head by the end of it. 😆
On Saturday we joined a local Convoy for Freedom.
Will planned to do the whole loop and the kids and I tagged along with my parents for a shorter, child/tiny-bladder friendly route.
We saw lots of people from our church community there, most with this message on their vehicles.
It was mind-blowing and eye opening to see so many, many people gathered together in support of abolishing vaccine mandates.
To nap or not to nap?
THAT is the question of any adult when given free time. 😆
35 weeks pregnant!
Sunday naps
Delilah really wanted me to teach her how to play checkers, so we gave it a shot. It lasted about 10 turns until she got disinterested.
When watering my aloe vera plant on Monday morning I noticed a new baby popping up!
Couch cushions make such great forts!
Will's mom brought us dinner for Tuesday evening and while I was getting everything ready on the table I caught William (b)re(a)d handed. He had snatched a slice of homemade bread from the table and was munching away on it. I guess he just couldn't wait! 😄
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