My first time driving all three of them (and my first time driving James)!
Waiting for James to wake up so she can help dress him for the day.
And getting some snuggles in while telling him all sorts of stories
Will took off all of last week and we all really enjoyed having him at home.
James' birth was such a breeze that I was able to head out for janitorial work on Wednesday already.
I did get reprimanded by some ladies who were there for a course but I reassured them I was feeling great and still taking it easy 🙈
My first time taking the three kids out on my own!
Listen to Delilah say "esophagus" 😁
James doesn't look too thrilled...
William set up this birthday party for the sheep and was having the birds sing Happy Birthday to him.
His first time getting all bundled up.
I took the kids outside Friday afternoon (that's why James went in the wrap) for a game of soccer but the gravel pile is still the post exciting thing on our property. 😄
And we bought a new vehicle!
It's a long beastly thing, but will fit our family (and groceries and the stroller) for a few more years.
We found out that my parents' 12 passenger van is shorter than than this so we've joked that we should have just gone straight from our 4Runner to a passenger van. But I think the Yukon is a good transitional vehicle. 😆
Delilah asked Will why we needed a new vehicle and he answered "So that we can fit more kids."
"Are we getting another baby James?"
"No, not another James, we already have one."
"Is God giving us another baby then?"
"No, not yet. We just need room to drive your aunts and uncles around."
"Oh okay"
James with Auntie Heather's traditional stuffie gift.
William set up a whole host of animals next to the mesh sides of James' bassinet so he could see them.
Sunday snuggles
Here's the hairstyle that Madilyn did for me on Sunday afternoon. She made three braids and then braided those together. Quite talented and creative for a nine year old!
Here William is showing James his downward dog.
"Show Names dog yoga"
Delilah stuck this cracked plastic toy banana on her nose and called it a beak. I love her creativity!
Such a little bean
Delilah reading (paraphrasing/making up) Bible stories to her brothers.
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