Our little buddy James is two months old!
This post is coming to you nine days late, but I did take these photos at the two month mark so those are correct for the update.
We still aren't on a strict schedule as James has been a very easy, go with the flow kind of newborn.
He does have rhythms though so I have a pretty good idea as to what he needs when.
Currently a typical day for him involves waking up between 7-8am. Then he's often ready for a nap by 9:30/10:30am and he'll sleep for roughly 3hrs. Then around 3pm he'll snooze a little bit more before going to bed between 7:30-8:30pm.
If his first nap isn't long for whatever reason then around noon he'll nap for three hours.
Currently he's not a very big sleeper during the day but once he's down for the night he'll sleep until 4am so I can't complain about that!
He usually wakes up when Will wakes up around 6 but gratefully goes right back to sleep once his had some milk.
He continues to eat whenever we feel like it which I haven't done like this with the other kids but I really like it.
He's also our first kid that doesn't nurse to sleep. A new foreign concept to me.
Often he'll fall asleep while nursing, but if he doesn't I can lie him down anyway and he'll soon fall asleep.
I stopped swaddling James for night sleep as I was finding he'd have broken out of it when he woke at 4am, and that 4am wake time was quite consistent so I wanted to try and see if leaving him unswaddled with change how he slept. Seemed to be no different and now I don't have to fumble with reswaddling him while I'm half asleep. 😄
James also continues to be very snuggly and I love to just sit and cuddle with him when I have the chance.
Since he was born I took James into church with us in the baby wrap. I knew it wouldn't last forever but I wanted to savour the tiny baby cuddles for as long as I could. Shortly after he passed the one month mark he grew notably more and more squirmy. So he has since graduated to the church nursery.
James is very quick to give out smiles.
Some other quick current facts:
Often needs to burp mid-feed and refuses to continue eating until it's out
Doesn't take a soother
Can't stand a poopy diaper
Absolutely hates baths and has only not screamed/cried the whole time once.
If I'm going to be gone for longer than an hour I usually take James with me. Some highlights of his travels in the second month of his life would be:
Trivia Night with our Bible study group
Dine and Dash at church
Dessert date with Auntie Esther
and a Vancouver Giant's playoff hockey game
what an itenerary for a two month old :)!!!