James is getting sturdier and sturdier at sitting. He loves to get right in with what his siblings are up to.
Not much room in the shopping cart after adding three kiddos, especially with William napping!
We parked next to a beautiful bush at Princess Auto
James and I stayed in the truck to nurse (Will took Delilah in, and William was still napping) and he was so happy afterwards!
William came up to me on Friday while we were working in the garden and he was holding a moth! Poor thing was squirming away but I convinced him to let it go.
Also while in the garden, now weeding the corn, William came to me holding the sunflower plant. 😲 He had uprooted the whole the plant and we quickly replanted it. It wouldn't hold itself up, so we got a piece of wood to help prop it up. Then we gave it a good watering but the leaves weren't looking too great...
This was right before we were leaving camping for a week so I counted it as a loss and used it as a teaching moment.
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