Delilah Turns Four!

After what felt like near to forever for Delilah, we finally got to celebrate her turning four years old today! 

Her stuffed animal Kitty is her best friend. 
Delilah's favourite colour is green. 
Her first suggestion for play is family. 
Favourite food would be pancakes or waffles. 
Her favourite song is 'Day of Judgement, Day of Wonders' 
She likes to have oatmeal with brown sugar for brekky each morning and for lunch bread, but never toast. 
She loves biking all around with her friends
Delilah has enjoyed collecting snails and caterpillars to care for as pets/best friends. 

Delilah has a great sense of humour and keeps us so entertained. 
It is so much fun having her around to carry a conversation with. 
Delilah can easily get by on little sleep. 
She loves all her friends so much and would have them over all day every day if it was up to her.
Delilah is very eager to learn and is quick to offer to help. She likes to fold laundry with me, bake, or even loves washing dishes. 

As her mom I think it's pretty cool having a little best friend to hang out with just about all the time. 

Happy Birthday Delilah, we love you! 
