Follow Me For Twelve Hours

This is only half of a day of our life, but it's the last half of our Snow Day, so you can check out that post if you'd like to see what we were busy with that morning. 

I had someone ask about which YouTube channels I watch/listen to while I fold laundry and wash dishes as I often comment about that in these posts and I see that I included in in this post while I'm washing dishes in the evening.  
So while you might not enjoy all these yourself, here are a few I keep myself entertained and educated by: 
Melissa Dougherty: An ex-New Ager who shares some helpful counter-cult ministry information regarding Mormons and Jehovah's witnesses. She also produces some satirical skits about apologetics which I find entertaining, but if you have you appreciate satire for them to be funny. 
Mike Winger: An American pastor who focuses on diving into what the Bible says about all sorts of things in well-researched context. He produces a weekly video with 20 Q&As which is fun to learn from. I also found Pastor Mike's channel while searching for more information on Mormons and JW's. He has a lot of content refuting these cults, as well as many other religions and concerning branches of Christianity (New Thought, New Age, Charismatic, etc...)
Megan Fox Unlocked: A Mennonite mom of three who shares videos relating to the life of a mom of littles. Content on her channel includes homemaking, DIYs, some sewing, decorating, modest outfit ideas, and such delicious looking baking and cooking recipes. 
LoeppkysLife: Delilah is a young conservative Christian homeschooling mom of three who shares family life and homemaking vlogs. She's very honest about the rough days of motherhood but also provides encouragement through it. 

And those are some of my favourites. Let me know if you want a longer list. 😜 
Maybe there's something there that would interest you? Maybe you have some new suggestions for me? 
Anywho, let's get on with this half day in my life! 

And we went to bed pretty soon after this to squeeze in a few hours of sleep before welcoming a new day!
