Off on a walk to the playground to enjoy the warm sunshine
James crawled under his excersaucer and then tried to stand and get his head through the leg holes. Poor guy was so frustrated
Reading books together
Friday evening I got to go out with my girlfriends for a game of bowling
Looking at books with Opa
Tuesday was unbelievably busy for us. We had two daycare kiddos, preschool co-op, a birthday party, and grocery shopping. And that was only the morning! But Somehow we made it through the day without any hiccups and although it was hectic I felt on top of everything.
At one point I had twenty minutes to kill and we were near the church so I took the kids to the playground there to burn off some steam.
James was also happy to be out of his carseat but wanted soooo badly to crawl around and eat the bark mulch
It's official! James is walking!
I was just telling a friend on Sunday that James isn't quite walking yet, just taking steps here and there. Well, then on Monday he started walking All. The. Time. It takes him longer to get anywhere because he still falls a lot. But he can go from room to room or even squat to pick things up and stand back up. It's so cute to see him going around everywhere.
And this just about sums up how I've felt about the past week 😅🙈😂
Newly walking babies are so super cute!! They are so proud of their accomplishment of walking which to us older folk is a day to day occurrence.