
Unfortunately the switch to a private blog has been unsuccessful... 
Thank you to everyone for trying it along with me and for letting me know of the issues that came up as you tried to get in to view the blog. 

I've got another idea that I'll do a more in depth test run with before trying to implement it here. If that goes through you can expect to see an email if you're on my email list. Or I will contact you directly if you were one of the people who aren't on the email list but still contacted me about getting the private access.

(I didn't wear a toque outside this morning but my ears got cold fast so I used my scarf to stay warm. Resourceful, I'd say!)

Somewhere along the way I also appear to have done something else (I have no idea what though) which has made all the videos in the posts unavailable. Behind the scenes in the video manager I can still view them, but once I check out a blog post the videos are not able to be seen. Frustrating... Hopefully that'll be an easy fix and magically all the videos will reappear again? We'll have to wait and see until I have time to look into it. 
