Can you guess which child slept on the drive to the store and which one fell asleep on the drive home? 😄
James is always drawn to Mozzy.
Poor Mozzy was resting on our bed when James crawled over to him, flopped down beside him, and rubbed his bald head against Mozzy's furry belly.
Delilah and William got these hatching dinosaur eggs from Esther and Ben on Thursday evening and they were very eager Friday morning to put them in water and wait for them to hatch.
Here James reminded me of Winnie-the-Pooh during his Up Down song.
Making leaf salad and rock soup.
Sounds delicious to me!
Delilah has grown closely attached to this Easter chick. She (the chick) even had to join us while doing some bookwork on Friday morning.
The first sign of cracking!
And soon after, with the encouragement of a few pokes and prods from the kids, the dinos hatched! It was a very exciting moment for the kids.
I don't know what happened, but William's behaviour has almost completely changed for the better. I am very grateful (and relieved) that he has been so much easier recently. He's still far from perfect. We both are. 😉 But we've both grown a lot in the last few weeks too and that's been such a good thing. Yay for seeing progress!
James was very excited about these veggistraws he was snacking on on Saturday afternoon.
Time for a haircut!
He wasn't wanting a before and after shoot, so I snapped this one just before we started.
Out of the bath and ready for bed, his hair's a little messy here but it cleaned up quite decently considering he only let me have nine minutes on it. I figure he's only 2 and it's not a bowlcut, so it really doesn't matter much, right?
At Opa and Oma's house on Sunday I got distracted and James crawled right over to the cats' water fountain and helped himself to some water. 😂
If Delilah and William aren't reading to fill their spare time, they most likely will be found puzzling.
We had a rare few hours on Monday afternoon without any daycare kiddos so I pulled out these paint books that Delilah and William got for Christmas for them to do together.
Delilah swaddled her baby (named Iffa, by the way) and put her in the exersaucer while we ate dinner.
I measured the kids on Tuesday morning and was shocked to see how much both of them have grown since Novemeber!
Madilyn came over on Tuesday and kept the boys busy with baking muffins
It always makes my heart drop when Will tosses the kids in the air, but they love it so much.
And do you see Delilah and William wrestling on the couch? It's always busy over at our house!
That's all for this week, see you next time!
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