Weekly Wednesday Wupdate: William Climbing A Fence And James On Tiptoes

We spotted our resident deer grazing while we were eating lunch on Wednesday. 

Little William parked his bike next to his dad's bike on Wednesday afternoon and when I saw it I thought it was just so cute. 

Working on Valentine's cards

Delilah was very particular about who she was making cards for

Gotta love a good muddy puddle! 

Delilah asked on Saturday morning that I make her a unicorn horn. This was what I came up with.
She was so pleased with it that  wore it all day long. Although it did lean more and more to the right throughout the day. 

Will thought it would be a good idea to take Mozzy with us to run an errand to help him get more acclimated to driving. 
Mozzy did not think it was such a good idea. But by the time we were a few blocks from home he seemed to calm down, so maybe we're making progress?


Feel free to skip over all this reading if you want, it's just me saying that the photos you see are only a dozen or so millisecond captures during our week and there's a lot (good and bad) that goes on that you don't get to see. 

After getting back home from the above errand my day went very muchly downhill. I had two meltdowns and had to excuse myself from dinner for a timeout where I cried for 10 minutes and then prayed for a while before I was ready to go rejoin the family. 
Fatigue and forgetfulness are really wearing me down. The overwhelm too. And it's kinda ironic because you'd think since Saturday is my day off from daycare so it would be more relaxing. But we have no routine for Saturdays and I thrive on routines so that often makes it difficult for me as not much can be expected or prepared for. 

I'm sharing this all because it's real life. 
And real life can be hard sometimes. 
But that's not necessarily a bad thing. 

One of my friends is pregnant for the first time and struggling with all the less-than feelings. I have told her fiercely many times over not to gauge her success by what others are posting on social media. 
 I'll be the first to admit I don't have it all together all the time and if this blog ever makes it seem that way, that's only because I don't have pictures to show of those times.

Because in the moments when 
it feels like every toy is dumped on the floor and every dish is dirty on the counter, 
The kids are acting out because they aren't having a need met, 
My mind is whirling as I try to keep 482 different things straight, 
And I just stepped in something wet (hopefully milk or water, not pee).

Those are certainly not the moments when I think, 'Awe 💛 I should take a picture.' 
No, that's when I'm thinking, "Why do we have so many toys underfoot? What can I do to settle James? I need to get the wash in the dryer so the bed sheets are dry before the kids go to bed. Ugh it smells like dinner is burning. Yep, that's definitely pee..."

I don't think it's bad to capture and share the highlights of our lives, but please don't be fooled to think that our entire life is a smooth sailing from sun up to sun down.
I'm not sure how to wrap this up properly, but there's a song version of Lamentations 3:22-23 and that's what I've been singing lately to help myself get through the trying moments. 

"The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:22-23

God is good! 
Monkey see, monkey do?

William volunteered us to make Madilyn her birthday cake this year and this is the finished product that him and Delilah helped me come up with. 

At dinner on Sunday evening James decided to give his hands a rest and was picking up his food with his mouth like a bird. 

Turning ten! 

I thought this was cute how Jonah is looking at Madilyn, rather than at her cake and candles which is what kids are typically drawn to. 

On Monday we went on a little girls trip to the mall and Madilyn got her ears pierced! 

On Tuesday morning the kids had preschool. It's close enough to walk, but much easier to drive. Will was planning to bike to work that day so I could have the van, but it was -2 at 6am so we agreed that he would drive to work and the kids and I would walk. By 9am it was +2 outside and gloriously sunny. The sunshine was so warm that I took my jacket off for the walk home even. 

With two kids at preschool, and two kids napping, William and I had some time to bake together. 

Later that afternoon the kids were all playing outside, leaving James longingly looking out after them. 

Knocking over towers is still a favourite for James

Once the boys were in bed that evening Delilah and I played play-doh together. We made castles. 

Her's was complete with a front door mat "So the queen doesn't get mud inside."
