Job 1:21

Early on Monday morning, after four hours of labour, I delivered the lifeless body of our fourth child. 


We learned a few weeks ago that our baby had passed away in my womb and amidst our grief we then prepared for the expected birth to come once my body would recognize that the baby was no longer alive. 

While this has been an absolutely heartbreaking time for Will and I, we find great comfort knowing that the first time our kiddo opened their eyes was in the presence of The Creator. How beautiful! 🥹

The Lord knew what a blessing our child would be to us and how much we would learn from their life and death. While this wasn't our plan, we trust that it was for our good and for the glory of God.

The last belly photo I have from when our littlest one was still alive. 

We really cherished the weeks I was able to still carry our baby's body, even while we knew they were already in Heaven.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning. Great is Your Faithfulness! 

