Gotta get those last slurps of milk from the bowl
Delilah directing the boys as they play
James and his books
I took the boys with me to do a grocery pickup on Wednesday evening. We had their lawn chairs in the back of the van so naturally they had to chill out on them while we waited
Friday was Will's day off from work so we went to IKEA
Stopped for icecream first to give us energy to get through the shop
James was very pleased to be out of the stroller and exploring the displays with the big kids
Such a fun trip and the kids lasted three hours before we needed to speed through the remaining displays and start heading home.
James' dumptruck doubles as great transportation and a bed for his otter
One of Will's mechanic clients dropped off some berries for us
Snuggles with the new kitty we got from IKEA.
I was prepping the kids' bags on Saturday night for church the next day and I opened Delilah's church backpack to find, not one, not two, but NINE pinecones that she had collected the previous week and I guess forgot about.
Saying Hi to a horse
Is there anything much better than relaxing in a hammock on a Sunday afternoon?
I went out with my girlfriends on Tuesday evening to Fort Langley
Not too hot in the evening (if you can say 27 is not hot) and aside from the mosquitoes when we went for a walk on the island we had a lovely time.
We spotted a beaver!
A beautiful summer evening
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