Alouette Lake: But Not At The Lake

Snuggly mornings

It took James a bit to get used to the hammock, but once he figured out he liked it he was a happy camper in there. 

Someone from church gave us this bike trailer they had grown out of and we were very grateful to have it along with us. It was great for James, and even William when his legs couldn't quite keep up. 
Here we're getting packed up to bike over to the neighbouring campground to check out the playground there. 

Our bike ride was very hilly, and Delilah was an absolute champ through it all. She caught a ride with Will on the way there, but going back she insisted on doing it all herself. 

We were thankful to be camping under such a thick tree canopy as it provided us with a lot of shade throughout the hot days. 

Delilah asked me the last time we were at a playground together to teach her how to use a firepole and I told her that was a Daddy job. This day we had a firepole and Daddy together so he gave the kids some pointers but to my relief both Delilah and William decided they didn't care for it much. I still very distinctly remember spraining my ankle going down one of those when I was younger.... 
James was pretty fearless knowing his dad was standing right there and he would step right off the platform, not even reaching for the pole!

Nap time! 

I remember the kids doing this last year, but William found the baby floaty and stuck it over his head and pretended to be an alien spaceship. 

And what's a camping trip without bathing in a bucket? 
