We took advantage of an extra long weekend that Will had and made plans to visit our friends in Prince George!
Almost fully loaded and ready to go!
The kids were very excited!
We packed up after Will finished work that day and were on the road at 5:30 with an 8hr drive ahead of us.
Going through all the tunnels through the Fraser Canyon was a big highlight
Another tunnel ahead!
The kids all fell asleep when it got dark around 9pm, and then one by one they all woke up again around 1:30am.
We got to our hotel at 3:30am.
When I got to the front counter and the host came out to greet me he said, "Good morning. Checking out, Mam?" "No, checking in, please" "Checking in?" "Yeah, it's been a long drive..."
It took a bit for the children to settle after their 4hr naps, but by 5am all of us were passed right out.
We slept in until about 9am. Some of us took longer to wake up than others.
On our way to surprise Tonisha! I was so excited 😁
(Jared knew we were coming and helped arrange our visit)
She didn't see it coming at all. Well, until we pulled into the driveway
Peeking in on the chickens on their farm.
William wasn't a fan of the rooster, that's why he's got his hands over his ears.
Feeding the cows grain
Then we popped by Jared's work so Will could add a small element of surprise for him too. The kids and I stayed in the truck to have a snack
Back at the hotel where we were all too tired to do just about anything but watch a movie.
Wonky sleep routines will do that to a person...
Stay tuned - There will be more to share!
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