I love these sweet, sweet moments where all three are playing together so nicely.
It certainly isn't like this all the time, and so when it does happen I remind myself to savour it.
Sticking screws into the rug so the stand upright is a fun game
Popping the bubble wrap is always the kids' highlight of us getting packages
My faithful nap buddy
I'm napping a lot less these days but when I do Mozzy is always right there with me
Having fun with Dad
You might see a human jungle gym, Will took it was an oppourunity to do sit ups and leg lifts with 30, 40, and 45 pound weights.
More teeter totter fun
Getting in some afternoon quiet time
Hair by Madi
James getting in his Shelby fix
Feeding the cows at Oma and Opa's house
These three were so cute
James was very purposefully helping Dad search through this Princess Auto flyer
We got apples from Will's parents when we were there on Monday evening so the kids and I set to work to make apple sauce
They were very helpful to wash all the apples for me
And James participated too, though we weren't too sure what his role was... Quality control?
They make the job take longer, but the company is priceless and they had a blast.
James was being rather clingy so he got banished to the carrier so I could have my hands free and he could still be close.
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