WWW: Pizza, Puddles, and Pumpkin Eyes

We found this felt pizza at a thrift store and they kids have been loving making all sorts of different combinations with it to serve to anyone who will have a bite. 

Delilah was helping me move some piles of cardboard around our yard and when she parked the wagon she found a rock to put under the back wheel. Dad must sure be proud of her. 


We have a lot of fun with the puddles around here. 
Also, note Delilah's caterpillar wedged in her handlebars. 

This week was very foggy at our house, sometimes just for the morning but we also had a day where it stuck around until the next noon. 

Beautiful fall leaves

William pointed out this dew covered spider web on our stair railing

Pumpkin eyes! 

Delilah and I harvested some of our lavender to dry. It looks so beautiful to me hanging in the kitchen with its vibrant blue-purple

On Saturday we got a new dishwasher delivered! 
Will removed the old one, of course with James' company

And the infrequent observation of the older kids too 

Getting the new one connected. 
I am very grateful to have a working dishwasher again. What a luxury! 

When I've got a few minutes to spare I try to get out to the garden to complete our year's harvest and work on cleaning it out for the winter. As much as I adore my bean tunnel, it is a pain to unwind and pull out these vines. 10000% worth the beautiful green arch in the summer though. 

Delilah's dahlia is still doing well

The box from the new dishwasher has been a bit hit. 
So far it's been a cave, a house, a spaceship, and a boat. 

We had company on Sunday evening and I made cinnamon buns for dessert. I commented that they seemed to be too big, Will disagreed and said I could make them bigger next time. 😝

Singing praises to God
Neither can read, so it doesn't matter if one has a Bible and the other is reading the Reformed Creeds and Confessions, they were both singing away. 

Delilah drew a treasure map on Tuesday afternoon and once she completed it we went outside in the rain to follow her map. 

Of course we had to pause to jump in the puddles while on our treasure hunt. 
