This past Friday there was a solar storm (or ionospheric testing by the UAF, depending on what you believer, but either way it was very neat to watch) passing over the Fraser Valley and we were blessed to witness the changing colours of the sky.
I know that if you've seen one person's photos from the Valley you've practically seen them all as it's the same storm, so if you're already bored of seeing all the pictures everyone has been posting on social media feel free to skip my photos as they aren't anything new.
With the naked eye this is what we could see, blues, greens, pinks, and purples in rays all across the sky and showering down towards us.
Looking up for so long I got a kink in my neck. I found out later a lot of people lay on the ground to watch which makes way more sense than straining to look up.
It was so neat to watch the colours shift and wave across the sky
This looked like a portal that a mythical creature would appear from
Then I learned to take long exposure photos or the night mode on my phone camera. It leaves the shutter open for a bit longer to let more light into the camera. And these are the photos from that.
Even though it was 11:30pm by this point Will woke up Delilah so she could come out and see too.
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