WWW: A Very Short One

Looking back at the photos I've taken this past week I was surprised to find so few. It's not that we haven't been doing much, as our schedule is just as busy as ever, but I guess we've been spending our time doing less photogenic sorts of things. We've been in the garden a lot getting it ready to plant our seedlings, there was a wedding at the church last weekend so that required extra janitorial time spent there, and we celebrated Matt's profession of faith on Sunday. 

We went back to that greenhouse again to see the goats, and we were so glad we did! They had four 4-day old babies hopping all around. 

Just the cutest little guys! 

Delilah is amazing me with her hair styling abilities! 
This was on her second day since figuring out how to braid. 

While William is sporting a buzz cut I figured why not give James a matching one too? I'm hoping that this will encourage his hair on the top to grow as I've only had to cut the back and sides so far - that front top section just doesn't get any longer. 

Our days of cleaning the church are numbered! We've been discussing for a long time when to retire from this job and having a fourth baby seems like a good time to stop. We were just told that they've found a replacement for us and we've got one month left of cleaning duties. 

