Out With the Old In With the New

We bought a new vehicle! 
It's a navy 2009 Suburban and so far has been suiting our family well. It's size will come in handy when we grow to a group of six in the later part of summer. 

And why are we replacing the big ole' van with a Suburban? 

About a month ago we were in an accident and our van was totalled. 

It had already been a rough day at home and so we planned to go out for dinner. All five of us were in the van when it got hit and rolled over. 

God had many angles there directing the whole thing because by some sort of miracle we did not hit that telephone poll. 

Thankfully we were in a big van and it was only a little car that wedged under us.
Thankfully Will's window was already open and we were all able to climb out of there.
Thankfully many folks stopped to help, someone had a ladder even and helped us down from the vehicle.
Thankfully we had six church members stop to help us. Familiar people to hug, hold the kids, and console us has a much different level of comfort than that which so many (very kind and nice) strangers provided.
Someone even went to buy us dinner so we didn't have to worry about that anymore.

We were so grateful for how everything played out and that everyone was okay to walk away after the accident. It really could have been so so so much worse. 

The kids and I got a ride home in the ambulance while Will stayed behind to get the van emptied after the tow truck righted it. 

A very sweet lady gave the kids toys and snacks she had in her car and even let James take these two toy cars home with him. 

At home with the ambulance the kids were allowed to play with the lights and sirens. 

Will and Delilah got the worst of the impact being right along this side that was hit. Delilah being on the bench moved around less than Will whose chair was completely pushed up and off to the centre. 
The kids and I had seat belt burns, William had a water bottle hit him in the eyelid which caused a small cut. 
We were very relieved that our unborn baby stayed blissfully oblivious to everything. I was given instructions by the paramedics and midwives what sort of symptoms would be concerning but thankfully we didn't have to go to the hospital for any monitoring. 

Will had whiplash which caused him to be unable to work for almost a month afterwards. His back, neck, and shoulders were just too painful for him to do anything for an extended period of time. The first Sunday I asked him if he was going to make it to church or if he preferred to stay home and he said, "It hurts to lie down, it hurts to sit, it hurts to stand. I might as well just go." 
And after spending a week in bed that was his motto for most things. If he was going to be in pain, then why not be in pain outside of bed with some more distraction around? 

You may have noticed, or if not now you can scroll back in the posts, that he's been around for a lot more of our daytime activities. This is why.  We learned that if he spent most of the morning resting and then took two tylenols he could usually have a reasonably enjoyable hour in the early afternoon before heading back to the couch or bed. 
He went to the doctor, chiropractor, and even tried a professional massage, and in the end (like the doctor said) it just took time for his body to heal. While we really got to enjoy having him around all day for four weeks, we are all very glad that this week that he has been able to go back to work and we can all find back our previous routines. 

We had to have the van released from the tow yard and brought back to our place so Will could take out the diesel heater he had installed since you're not allowed to work on vehicles at the yard. It has since been picked up and we feel very blessed to have found the suburban to fit our needs.

The first day after getting the Suburban we went out with the kids. With how we have the car seats situated James is on the edge whereas before we've always had him in the middle. He was so excited to have his own window and kept telling us all about what he could see "out MY window!"
