WWW: Pickles, Picnic, and Playground

Will installed another heat vent in our trailer to help warm up the hall, boys bedroom, and the rising heat to go up to the loft. 

I love how her soother is basically as big as her face

We watched a movie with the kids (who rarely watch any) and I just had to take these photos of their reactions to the opening scene of Ice Age

(The part where the squirrel is chasing and hiding his acorn. Pretty low intensity, but they were very invested)

Spring cleaning day at our place! 
Several of our storage bins are now collapsing in our seacan as we've got them stacked 5-7 bins high. Turns out that is too many for the rubbermaid roughneck bins and these sterilite ones in the photo. We bought a whack of new, stackable bins and my task for the afternoon was to transfer all our kids clothes into the new bins. 


A neighbour had extra pickling cucumbers she was giving away and we got enough to make three jars of pickles

Saturday afternoon/evening we had the church picnic

Followed by a fun game of baseball 

Will got all the way to third base with this hit

And he did most of the pitching for his team. 

Caught a little smile

Delilah declared that she made this new shape called a socktagon

We're still checking out new playgrounds in PG. I am very impressed with how many there are and the kids are too! 

These two like to nap together in the evenings.
Will after a long day of work, and Clara, well, after a long day of mostly napping. 

In an effort to be with her little sister but still do other things too, Delilah is learning the art of multitasking. 
