Clara: Four Months Old

Clara Janelle is four months old today! 

She is roughly 25inches tall (wiggly babes are difficult to measure) and this month weighs 17lbs which is up an additional pound from last month. She's got some good rolls on her legs and is doing well in the 93rd percentile. 

With growth stats like these it also means we've moved on to size 3 diapers and 9+ months for clothes.  

Although she is on the larger side for babies, I am so delighted with how feminine and dainty she is. After having two boys the contrast is very noticeable and her little coos and smiles are so girly. It's adorable.  

Speaking of her coos, Clara can keep up a conversation of goos and coos with you if you talk to her. She obviously still prefers Daddy over anyone else to talk to, but if he's not around anyone else will do. 

Clara also has learned how to blow spit bubbles and raspberries which keep us entertained. 

We sort of have a routine for naps if we're home and prefer to throw everything out the window on the days we are out. Clara sleeps more in her bassinet and has even gone down a few times awake and fallen asleep on her own. 

She's down for the night mostly around 8:30 and then tends to wake right as Will and I are tucked into our bed for the night. Somehow she senses that this is the time everyone is getting into the bed big and she must join us. And so she does. She nurses a few times throughout the night still but it hasn't affected me enough for me to do anything to change it. 

This past month we took Clara on her second road trip. She travelled so well that she only squawked twice the entire 11hrs of our trip there and was easily quieted both times with her soother. Back home she was a little more fussy, but nothing too bad. 

She also had her first Christmas! Clara enjoyed eating her gifts but didn't manage to open any of them on her own.

Clara likes to be upright, either supported  sitting or standing, so that she can have a good view of all the excitement that's going on around her. 

She is capable of rolling over both ways but does it so rarely I'd hardly count it as officially rolling. 

Clara was babysat for the first time (outside of the church nursery). 

And I think that's all the highlights to note for her fourth month. I suspect the next month will have her rolling properly, sitting more, and in all 12+ clothes. Stay tuned!
