It's been a while since I've done one of these A Day In My Life blog posts. The last one was from when we lived in Langley and only had three kiddos. So it was time for another!
I am really enjoying the unhurried mornings we've been blessed with this postpartum season. No where to be and nothing to do too early in the day so we can all just start slowly. And some days that allows for going back to bed to snuggle the baby for an extra 45 minutes in the morning and I have no shame in that.
Join me on a day at home with our dear family as we begin a new week with beautiful snowy surroundings and a cup of hot chocolate.
Only fair to mention that although he was putting up a fuss about eating, the food was accidentally dumped on the floor, not on purpose.
*I should add this is the pellet stove fire I'm referring to here. I usually turn it off at some point during the day depending on what I'm doing (leaving the house, baking/cooking) and then we'll get it going again once the house starts to feel cool.
We ended up talking until 12 o'clock.
If you're curious what we can spend almost an hour discussing, it was about the correlation between the size of a church's pipe organ and how solid their theology is. I'll let you come to your own conclusions about that one. 😄
Thanks for tagging along for the day!
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