Basket Ball

Last night I went out and played B-Ball with Ethan.

I tried to get a picture of the ball going through the net,
but most of the pics, ended up like this

E's feet, as he's dunking the ball.

This ones kinda hard to see,
 but it's E's shadow dunking in the B-ball's net shadow.


  1. I hate to ask, but why are you wearing ethan's hoodie?

    1. She was cold and note i am such a gentleman as I stood there freezing while Aleana wore like five layers, I didn't even ask for it back until we got back inside I am so Amazing

    2. You weren't even wearing it!!!!!! I picked it up off the ground

    3. Still you should of asked, and I didn't rip it off your back tou lucky duck. and it was on the ground because I was sweting.

    4. P.S. I suck at spelling.

  2. cuz it was cold out and I was freezing :)


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