I'm sitting at the computer, completly focussed on what I'm doing, Peter comes up to me
Peter: Hey Aleana, Can we have the key for the shed?
Me: Sure, why ya need it?
Peter: Oh, we're gonna be pirates and we need a shovel.
Me: That's neat, just be quiet and don't get hurt.

Peter goes outside.
I hear:
Matthew: What did she say? Can we?
Peter: We can!!!
Matthew: Really?!! That's awesome, I didn't think she'd let us.

Okay, just wait a minute, what exactly did I agree to?

Me: Um, boys, what are you doing?
Matthew: We're just digging for treasure.
Peter: Ya, like pirates.
Me: Do you think Dad is gonna be happy with all the holes in the grass?
Peter: It's ok, we're digging where he won't see.
Me: Where?
Matthew: Behind the shed.
Me: You do remember that there are rats and raccoons living under there right?
Peter: Hey Matt, do you what to be pirates in the sandbox?

We're all good now
