Summer is here!!!!
This means that we can run through the sprinkler in the back
Nadia was a little scared of getting sprayed
Matthew kicking a soccer ball through the water
kinda hard to see though
The boys dragging Nadia in the water
Note: he does not really look like this, it's just trick photography
Look at the height in his jump
Peter "diving" through the sprinkler

I find it so hard to believe that school is starting in only 19 days!
It's feels like it just ended
I'm looking forward to going back so I can see friends and the routine is nice
but the learning part we could just leave out, it would make life a lot easier for me
but I don't think that teachers ever consider that,
so I'll just grin and bear it


  1. I love your backyard and how much room there is to explore. Looks like they are having a blast. We had a chuckle from seeing the pictures because we could pretty much read Nadia's mind. Oh, and the way you said your last few sentences showed your sense of humour.


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