Dreaded school, ugg.
Things I hate about school:
Waking up at such an unruly time
Having to ride the world’s most bouncy bus, over way to many speed bumps for an hour+
Having to sit in desks for five hours with small breaks in between
Sharing homeroom with certain people….
A certain person who moved into my locker while I was away
Getting hugged be people who think they're my friends
Passing Justin Bieber fans in the hall way
Passing One D fans in the hall way
When you really do finish your homework and you really do forget it at home, but the teachers don’t believe you
Having your pen die on you in the middle of an eassy
Running into grade 12 guys as I'm turning a corner
Getting to class and finding out that you have the wrong binder/textbook
Just generally having to learn again is pretty trying
When the last bell rings and we sit there for five minutes waiting for every to be quiet so we can pray
Teachers that say "shut up so we can pray"
Forgetting what homework you need to bring home
When other people take my seat on the bus
When I'm stuck sitting with annoying people on the bus
Not getting home at 4 any more because of a new bus driver
Getting home at 4:45or later
On the other hand there are many things that I love about school
Being the first one to wake up and the house is so silent
Walking to the bus stop in the rain
Seeing my friends
Getting on teacher's good sides by saying "hi" to them in the morning
Talking randomly to grade 8ers I don't even know which causes them to think I'm crazy
Sneaking up behind Julie and scaring the ----outa her
Getting hugs from my friends
Highfiving people randomly
Going into the library for no reason other than to disturb the peace
My awesome locker buddy
Leaving Block X to go for a walk
Asking to "borrow" people from other classes
Throwing parties
Put the last four awesome things together
Calling Mitch "Uncle Mitch" in front of his friends
Sitting with Chels on the bus
Listening in on other peoples conversations on the bus
Walking up the house and seeing Nadia in the widow waving at us
So maybe it isn’t that bad,
it could always be worse J
Things I hate about school:
Waking up at such an unruly time
Having to ride the world’s most bouncy bus, over way to many speed bumps for an hour+
Having to sit in desks for five hours with small breaks in between
Sharing homeroom with certain people….
A certain person who moved into my locker while I was away
Getting hugged be people who think they're my friends
Passing Justin Bieber fans in the hall way
Passing One D fans in the hall way
When you really do finish your homework and you really do forget it at home, but the teachers don’t believe you
Having your pen die on you in the middle of an eassy
Running into grade 12 guys as I'm turning a corner
Getting to class and finding out that you have the wrong binder/textbook
Just generally having to learn again is pretty trying
When the last bell rings and we sit there for five minutes waiting for every to be quiet so we can pray
Teachers that say "shut up so we can pray"
Forgetting what homework you need to bring home
When other people take my seat on the bus
When I'm stuck sitting with annoying people on the bus
Not getting home at 4 any more because of a new bus driver
Getting home at 4:45or later
On the other hand there are many things that I love about school
Being the first one to wake up and the house is so silent
Walking to the bus stop in the rain
Seeing my friends
Getting on teacher's good sides by saying "hi" to them in the morning
Talking randomly to grade 8ers I don't even know which causes them to think I'm crazy
Sneaking up behind Julie and scaring the ----outa her
Getting hugs from my friends
Highfiving people randomly
Going into the library for no reason other than to disturb the peace
My awesome locker buddy
Leaving Block X to go for a walk
Asking to "borrow" people from other classes
Throwing parties
Put the last four awesome things together
Calling Mitch "Uncle Mitch" in front of his friends
Sitting with Chels on the bus
Listening in on other peoples conversations on the bus
Walking up the house and seeing Nadia in the widow waving at us
So maybe it isn’t that bad,
it could always be worse J
Hey go into the library to cause trouble too.
ReplyDeleteI don't think there's been a time when Austin and i haven't gotten kicked out of the library this year.
ya, you know, pretty much every time I go in there, mrs ludwig is glaring at you or telling you to be quiet, or get out :)