I Was Bored

I was rather bored this afternoon
and although you could argue that I had piles of French homework,
the geography of all the cities of western Canada to memorize,
a very handsome amount of Bible homework
(if you read the earlier post of today you may understand why),
and of course tons of tests and quizzes to study for,
I was bored.

So this afternoon, 
instead of doing all that stuff which I'll have to do later tonight
I took pictures!

I took the camera and went out side.
after taking pictures of roses, leaves, and other things that you find outdoors,
Matthew and Peter came back to the house to collect more newspapers.

They didn't exactly seem to want to be doing papers
and both were glad for a break
When I asked Matthew to lie down on the middle of the road
he was kinda worried about getting run over by a car,
so we put Peter on guard to warn us of any coming vehicles
But pretty soon Peter joined Matthew, 
and all fear of getting hit was lost...
and replaced with a mock fear of these 'gansta bros'
Note: Peter's mismatching socks,
The scar on Peter's upper lip (more noticeable in the first four pictures of him),
Both boys still have dirty faces from eating after school snacks
Matthew doesn't have any shoes on,
Both their hands are black from the news print,
Not too noticeable here, but peter has a bald spot on his head because he cut his hair,

I love how Matthew is so serious and Peter's just having fun


  1. that second shot of Matt turned out really well!
    keep up the good work!!!!


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