Campbell Valley Park

On Friday, Dad took the day off, so we went for a walk at Campbell Valley Park

As hard as we tried, it was impossible to get a good family picture.
Aside from Madilyn not smiling and Peter titling his head,
 this picture is great.
And we had that issue with all of them,
every one would be smiling, except for Nadia
or Peter would stick his tongue out
or Matthew would pull a face.
There's also a gap between Mom and Ethan
 and I'd like to blame all these problems on every one else
because I had told Mom to move beside Ethan 
and to let me hold Madilyn
and that Nadia should be on the other side of Dad
and that ...

But hey, we're not a perfect family.
Some photoshopping probably could fix the fact that not every one is smiling,
I just don't have time for it right now.....


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