So the other day at school we had to fill out DPA forms for the government.
And there's this one section where you write in any 'other actives,'
walking to and from the bus stop each day falls under this category
so I had figure out how much time I spend doing that each week.
Of course I got sidetracked
and in the end
I had an equation some what like this:
5 minutes to the bus stop,
5 minutes back home.
10 minutes a
50 a week.
Approximately 36 weeks in a school year.
1800 minutes a year.
About 1800
mins of walking to/from the bus.
30 hours of my life is spent
walking to and from the bus stop each school year.
That's a day and a half!!!!
Wasted by walking to the bus stop!!!
Any way...
it took me a while to get over that...
you've got too much time on your hands girly!