Burnaby Village

Once again this year at Christmas time we went to Burnaby Village

it was fun, really cold, but fun.

Lots happened, but I don't really have time, 
so I'm starting the story kinda in the middle of our visit there.....

A bunch of the family stayed at the Train Station for a while,
so Eth, Pete and I ran off to finish a twelve days of Christmas scavenger hunt 
This was from the maids a milking, 
but Dad said it kinda looked like some brutal cow funeral 
where the cow was coming up from the grave.
it made sense though..... 

there were these pianos covered in drift wood, 
but the keys were glued down, except for five or so black keys... 
then we played hopscotch

there was this bear family which some one knit sweaters for
(I couldn't get a picture of the baby bear cuz some people were taking pictures with it)
after that we went back to the van for hot chocolate 
(it was much needed)
and Matt, Peter and me went down to Deer Lake 
