We were privileged this morning to be able to attend Church.
We had caroling before the service, as well as songs mixed into the sermon.
Matthew and I often share a song book together, and we know most of the hymns off by heart and find that we don't need to read the book as we sing. During the caroling before the service both of us were singing along just fine with well known Christmas songs, until, to both of our dismays, we found that the lyrics had been changed.
Why would you change the lyrics to a Christmas carol?!?!?!?!?!!?!
Well, the lyrics had been changed to be gender sensitive.
I shall not rant any further about this matter.
But let's just say I wan't happy ( I have enough issues with the new NIV Bible) and Matthew wasn't either.
So yep.
After Church we came home and ate left over Christmas Eve foodies for lunch.
This afternoon was lazy.
We got to go to Uncle Ryan and Auntie's for dinner which was really yummy!!
And that was about it for toady!
Still no baby...
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