Big Ben

Here's a picture of our Baby Benjamin. 

He was born with long nails and often scratches himself (see his left hand?) but we have since fixed those. 

He also loves putting his hands in his mouth.

He's got a good set of lungs which we're thankful for, yet it wouldn't be a bad thing if he respected quite time. ;)

Mom and him came home last night (Friday) and we had a nice welcoming party in the master bedroom for a while. 

Matthew is staying at Auntie's house for the time being and the girls are off at Aunt Alice's. 

This leaves just a small amount of us at home but also makes for a quieter environment. 

Peter is pretty excited to have a little brother and that he is no longer the 'baby' boy. Pete is also the middle child which he seemed really pumped about. 

We found out that Langley Hospital births only an average of 5 infants a day, and so Benjamin (born at 5:50pm December 31) was the last baby born in Langley of 2015! So that's a little bit of a bragging right I guess you could say. 

Will and I were visiting Ben and Mom in the hospital the next day around 2 in the afternoon and that was when their New Years Day baby was born. That was a little bit exciting too.

Last night I made dinner for the four people who were at home, which is half of how it usually is. It was kinda struggle to remember that the amount of people at the table would be smaller... We've now got about three servings of leftover mashed potatoes.
So yep.

That's where our life is at right now. 

We've got a bunch of pictures to share with everyone, but at the moment I don't have time to find the camera and download and then upload them all. 

So that will have to wait for another time.

Stay tuned for more!
