3 Things I Don't Like

Today I am sharing with you 3 Things I Don't Like. Now I don't want anyone to think that this is it. There are many other things I don't appreciate too much but these are just the highlights. 

1) Toothpaste
It's not that I don't like brushing my teeth (if my teeth feel dirty, I must brush them, I can't handle not having clean teeth), but just the smell, the consistency, and the taste. Ugg. It grosses me out. Having numerous younger siblings, it's often all over the upstairs bathroom. In the sink, on the counters and cupboards and on the floor even. 

2) Things That Are Not Planned Well.
I like being in control and I do recognize that. 
I like planning things and so when other people plan things and they do not run smoothly I cringe. 

Image result for rice crackers

3) Rice Crackers
The smell. The taste. The sound. 
Simply put, everything about them.
